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Dallas North Tollway Toll Rates* End Trip (Effective July 1, 2017) IH 3 5E /O ak la w n/ W yc lif f M oc ki ng bi rd /L em m on Lo ve rs /N or th w es t H w y. W al nu t H ill /R oy al Fo re st /H ar ve st H ill IH 6 35 A lp ha S pr in g V al le y B el …


County Review Action Plan Update Updated 02/02/2012 Organization Recommendations Page 1 of 4 Organization | Covering the areas of performance management, current business model and consultant use Category Recommendation Action / Resolution of item A&M …


NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY SEMI-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT SYSTEM CHISHOLM TRAIL PARKWAY February 2019 Issued April 15, 2019 100054040 NTTA / WH / 2017 Chisholm Trail Parkway Project Location Map I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I …


County Review Action Plan Update Updated 02/02/2012 Transparency Recommendations Page 1 of 4 Transparency | Covering the areas of governance, conflicts of interest and board composition Category Recommendation Action / Resolution of item A&M Report Page # …

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