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1811- 1820 of  3439 results

Dena Stroh

Dena Stroh NTTA Leadership General Counsel About NTTA Ms. Stroh has more than fifteen years of legal experience. She served as General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of Murchison Oil and Gas, Inc. for three years and was responsible for all legal issues …

Jeffrey Dailey, P.E.

Jeffrey Dailey, P.E. NTTA Leadership Assistant Executive Director of Operations About NTTA Jeff Dailey joined NTTA in 2021 as the Assistant Executive Director of Operations. He leads the Contact Center and Collections, Information Technology, Customer …

John Mahalik​

John Mahalik​ Board Of Directors Denton County Appointee Email About NTTA John Mahalik was appointed to the NTTA Board of Directors by the Denton County Commissioners Court in September 2015. He served as Chairman from May 2019-August 2022. He is chief …

2022 Check Register UPDATED, 11.9.22.xlsx

Sheet1 Check Register Year to Date: 2022 Date Payment Ref Vendor Name Amount Description 2022-01-03 004535 UNITED HEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY $87390.85 Unreported Claims Liability Unreported Claims Liability 2022-01-03 012039 Cigna Health and LIfe …

ZipCash Agreement ENGLISH FINAL.pdf

1 ZIPCASH™ AGREEMENT (Effective January 15, 2021) 1. GENERAL a. PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THIS ZIPCASH™ AGREEMENT (“AGREEMENT”) WITH NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY (“NTTA”). b. A toll will be charged each time a vehicle that you own or lease (“Your Vehicle”) …

ZipCash Agreement FINAL SPANISH.pdf

1 ACUERDO ZIPCASH™ (Válido a partir del 15 de enero de 2021) 1. GENERAL a. POR FAVOR LEA CUIDADOSAMENTE ESTE ACUERDO ZIPCASH™ (el “ACUERDO”) CON LA ENTIDAD “NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY” (la “NTTA”). b. Se cobrará un peaje cada vez que el vehículo que …

NTTA Board of Directors Ethics Policy.pdf

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Public Comment Policy.pdf

� ���������� ��� ���� �� ���� ������� �� � ��� �������������� ����������� !�"#�!$%�&'(")*�'+�!$%�,'-!$�.%/0#�.'((10*�23!$'-"!*�4,..25�6'0-7�'+�8"-%)!'-#�!'�&-'9"7%�0:�'&&'-!3:"!*�+'-�)"!";%:#<�:%1#�=%7"0�0:7�9"#"!'-#�!'�077-%##�!$%�6'0-7�73-":>�!$%�&3?(")� …

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